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Technical competition pattern of global servo motor industry in 2021


Main listed companies in the servo motor industry: At present, the domestic listed companies in the servo motor manufacturing industry mainly include Huichuan Technology (300124.SZ), Coriell (002892.SZ), Jiangsu Leili (300660.SZ), Ningbo Yunsheng (600366.SH), Star Technology (832885.NQ), Haozhi Electromechanical (300503.SZ), Sine Electric (688395.SH), Weichuang Electric (688698.SH), Microlight (002801.SZ), Jiangte Electric (002176.SZ).

Core data of this paper:Technology source country, ranking of patent applicants, new entrants of patent applications, and the highest patent value in the market

Full text statistical caliber Description:1) Search keywords: servo motor and similar or related keywords; 2) Search scope: title, summary and description of rights; 3) Screening conditions: simple family application de duplication, the legal status is substantive examination, authorization, PCT international publication, PCT enters the designated country (designated period), and simple family application de duplication is counted according to the acceptance Bureau. 4) Statistical deadline: October 14, 2021. 5) If there is a special statistical caliber, it will be noted at the bottom of the chart.

1. Regional competition pattern of global servo motor technology

(1) Distribution of technology source countries: China accounts for the highest proportion

At present, the largest technology source of servo motor in the world is China, and the number of servo motor patent applications in China accounts for 83.18% of the total number of servo motor patent applications in the world; Followed by the United States, the number of servo motor patent applications in the United States accounts for 4.63% of the total number of servo motor patent applications in the world. Although South Korea and Japan rank third and fourth, there is a large gap with China, which ranks first.


Statistics description: ① make statistics according to the de duplication rule of displaying a public text for each application, and select the latest text on the public day for calculation. ② Statistics shall be made according to the country of patent priority. If there is no priority, it shall be calculated according to the country of the acceptance office. If there are multiple priority countries, it shall be calculated according to the earliest priority country.

(2) Patent application trend: China has long led, and South Korea ranks second

From the perspective of trend, from 2010 to 2020, the number of servo motor patent applications in China is far ahead and has been in a leading position for a long time. In 2020, China's servo motor patent application amount was 47449, and China Taiwan servo motor patent application exceeded 2014 in China, and has been ranked second since 2020. In 2020, the patent application amount of servo motor in Taiwan of China was 943.


Statistics description: ① make statistics according to the de duplication rule of displaying a public text for each application, and select the latest text on the public day for calculation. ② Statistics shall be made according to the country of patent priority. If there is no priority, it shall be calculated according to the country of the acceptance office. If there are multiple priority countries, it shall be calculated according to the earliest priority country.

(3) Distribution of patent applications in China: Jiangsu ranks first

In China, Jiangsu is the province with the largest number of servo motor patents in China, with a total of 28486 servo motor patents. At present, Guangdong and Zhejiang have applied for more than 10000 servo motor patents. Currently, Shandong, Beijing, Anhui, Henan, Fujian, Hubei and Shanghai are among the top ten provinces in China in terms of the number of servo motor patents applied for by provinces (cities and autonomous regions).


Description of statistical caliber: according to the address submitted by the patent applicant.

In terms of trend, from 2010 to 2020, the number of servo motor patent applications in Jiangsu Province has always ranked first and first. Guangdong Province and Zhejiang Province ranked second and third respectively.


Description of statistical caliber: according to the address submitted by the patent applicant.

2. Competition pattern of global servo motor technology applicants

(1) Concentration of patent applicants: the market concentration is low and rebounded in 2021

From 2010 to 2020, the global servo motor patent applicant CR10 showed a downward trend, fluctuating from 12.33% in 2010 to 0.91% in 2020. By October 2021, the global servo motor patent applicant CR10 had rebounded, reaching 2.68%. On the whole, the concentration of servo motor patent applicants in the world is low, and the concentration shows a fluctuating downward trend.


Description of statistical caliber: Market Concentration & mdash& mdash; CR10 is the proportion of the number of patent applications of the top 10 applicants in the total number of patent applications in this field (among them, when there is a joint application, the number of patents will not be recalculated).

(2) Top10 patent applicant

—& mdash; Total volume and trend: Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. won the title

The top 10 patent applications in the global servo motor industry are Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd., Alibaba Group Service Co., Ltd., FANUC Co., Ltd., Yingyeda Co., Ltd., State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing precision electromechanical control equipment research institute, China launch vehicle technology research institute, Jilin University CITIC daika Co., Ltd. and China Telecom Co., Ltd.

Among them, Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. has the largest number of servo motor patent applications, 405. Alibaba Group Service Co., Ltd. ranks second, and its number of servo motor patent applications also exceeds 392.


Note: the number of joint applications is not excluded.

In terms of trend, from 2010 to 2019, there was little difference in the number of servo motor patents applied by the top ten servo motor patent applicants in the world. Until 2020, Anhui Construction Engineering Quality Supervision and testing station and Chongqing food and drug inspection and Testing Institute began to excel, In 2020, the number of servo motor patent applications of Anhui Construction Engineering Quality Supervision and testing station and Chongqing Institute of food and drug inspection and testing reached 91 and 83 respectively.


—& mdash; Distribution of patented technologies: g01n30 has many sub areas

At present, the number of patent applications in the global servo motor industry is the top 10, and the applicant's technology is mainly distributed in the g05b19 subdivision field. Among them, Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd., which has the largest number of patent applications for servo motors in the world, has 205 patent applications in this subdivision field.


(3) The applicant of the top10 patent with the highest market value: apple takes the lead

Among the top 10 patents with the highest value in the global cloud computing market, four seats are occupied by apple, and apple has two patents with the highest value in the global servo motor market, both of which exceed US $15 million.


Note: the most valuable patent refers to the simple family with the highest patent value in the technical field. The current statistical caliber is counted according to the de duplication rule of one patent representative in each simple family, and any patent with patent value in the family is selected for display.

(4) New entrants to patent applications: there is only one new entrant

As the market participants in the servo motor industry are relatively stable, and the patented inventions are mainly concentrated in large enterprises, the only new entrant in the world is financial information Co., Ltd., and the new entrant has applied for servo motor patents less in recent years, and the number of servo motor patents applied for in 2020 is only 18.


Definition of new entrant: an applicant who has submitted a patent application only in the past 5 years.

The above data refer to the analysis report on market prospect and investment strategic planning of China's servo motor industry issued by forward looking Industry Research Institute. At the same time, forward looking Industry Research Institute also provides solutions such as industrial big data, industrial research, industrial chain consultation, industrial map, industrial planning, park planning, industrial investment attraction, IPO raising feasibility study, prospectus writing, etc.


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