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Factors Affecting the Water Repellency of SMMS Non Woven

Non woven fabrics are widely used in various fields of social life because of their advantages such as short process flow, large output, high efficiency, low cost and good product performance. With the development of technology, the further improvement of product performance, the reduction of production costs, the improvement of consumers' living standards and health awareness, its application in the field of sanitary products also has a broad space for development. SMMS non woven came into being. In this paper, fluorine-containing finishing agent was prepared, and water repellent finishing was carried out by rolling and baking process. The factors affecting the performance of water proof SMMS non woven fabric were explained.



1.Effect of finishing agent dosage on water repellency of SMMSnon woven

Water repellent finishing is to apply a layer of low surface energy material on the surface of non woven fabric, which can not only prevent the passage of liquid water, but also maintain a certain degree of air and moisture permeability. When the amount of finishing agent reaches a certain value, a film with surface energy lower than that of water will be formed on the surface of non woven fabrics, which can effectively prevent water from wetting the surface of non woven fabrics. Through the experiment, we can get that when the amount of finishing agent is 5 g/l, the water repellent grade of SMMS non woven reaches the highest grade 10. If the amount of finishing agent continues to increase, its water repellent performance does not change significantly.

SMMS non woven

2.Effect of baking temperature on the water repellency of SMMSnon woven

Through experiments, we can get that when the baking temperature is 120℃, the water repellent grade of SMMS non woven is the highest. When the temperature continues to rise, the water repellency level remains unchanged. In addition, when the baking temperature exceeds 140 ℃, the non woven fabric will turn yellow or even deform. Therefore, it is obvious that a certain baking temperature can make the finishing agent form a more stable and firm structure on the fiber surface, thus having better water repellency. However, considering the upper heating limit of non woven fabric itself, we cannot blindly pursue high temperature in water repellent finishing.


3.Effect of baking time on water repellency of SMMSnon woven

Through the experiment, we can get that when the baking time reaches 90 seconds, the water repellent grade of SMMS non woven reaches the highest. Continue to extend the baking time, and the water repellent grade remains unchanged. Therefore, a reasonable baking time can promote the full combination of fiber and finishing agent, so as to achieve a better water repellent effect.

water proof SMMS non woven fabric

At present, fusible non woven fabrics have been widely used in medical, health, protection, packaging, filtration, construction, agriculture and other fields. In this paper, a fluorine-containing finishing agent was prepared, and a one dip one roll process was used for water repellent finishing of SMMS non woven, which provided a certain reference significance for the further development of water proof SMMS non woven fabric.


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