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Daily Maintenance Management of Ultra Thin Sanitary Napkin Equipment

Today, some enterprises still do not pay attention to the daily maintenance and management of ultra thin sanitary napkin equipment and lack the understanding of the importance of maintenance and management of mechanical equipment, which is easy to bury safety risks for the normal operation of mechanical equipment in the later stage. Therefore, some enterprises must pay attention to the daily maintenance and management of ultra thin sanitary napkin machine.



1.Maintenance management of ultra thin sanitary napkin equipment

The maintenance methods of ultra thin sanitary napkin equipment are divided into preventive maintenance and maintenance after failure.

Preventive maintenance refers to the daily maintenance management of mechanical equipment. The basic purpose of its maintenance is to carry out regular maintenance of mechanical equipment to prevent or reduce the frequency of mechanical equipment failure. The main contents of prevention and maintenance are: daily maintenance of equipment and design, test, diagnosis and trial operation of equipment, timely eliminate equipment faults or safety risks, and avoid affecting the normal operation of equipment and causing unnecessary economic losses.

Maintenance after mechanical equipment failure refers to the maintenance process of failed equipment. Equipment maintenance process usually occurs in a period of time after equipment failure. At this time, the mechanical shutdown loss is small. Only simple maintenance and replacement of parts can ensure the re operation of the equipment.


2.Problems in maintenance management of ultra thin sanitary napkin equipment

(1) The shortage of technical talents is serious and the management system is not comprehensive

Most of the ultra thin sanitary napkin equipment used by enterprises is developed through leasing. In machinery maintenance management, equipment leasing management is also an important part of machinery management. Although the mechanical equipment leasing business has developed rapidly, there are great limitations in the process of mechanical equipment leasing. Due to the lack of relevant technical equipment leasing personnel, the management of the leased equipment in the later stage is not comprehensive, which affects the normal operation and safe maintenance of the equipment. Most of the management personnel of machinery leasing give up halfway, lack relevant management experience and technical ability, and can not regulate the maintenance of machinery.

(2) Short term phenomenon is frequent

Excessive pursuit of progress improvement makes relevant personnel continue to work overtime, and the equipment is also in long-term high load operation, which has a great impact on the safe operation and service life of the equipment. Due to the lack of relevant technical personnel or the deliberate neglect of the daily maintenance and management of mechanical equipment, most of the mechanical equipment used is carried out through leasing or old equipment. At present, most enterprises lack understanding of the normal maintenance of equipment, only care about the operation efficiency of equipment, and do not pay attention to or directly ignore the maintenance after equipment operation. For the problems or faults in the production process of ultra thin sanitary napkin equipment, they can basically be repaired in the place where the problems occur. Regardless of whether there are potential safety hazards in other places, the later maintenance of the equipment will be completely omitted, which will have a great impact on the neutral use of Mechanical equipment in the later stage.


The maintenance and management of ultra thin sanitary napkin equipment is a long and complex work. The maintenance and management of equipment are directly related to the future development and progress of enterprises. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the maintenance and management of ultra thin sanitary napkin machine to ensure that the equipment can meet the production requirements and ensure the smooth completion of the progress.


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