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How far is disposable sanitary products from environmental protection?


As we all know, disposable sanitary products, including diapers, sanitary napkins and wet wipes, have been widely used in people's daily life. Although they have brought great convenience to people's life, with the gradual increase of products, environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent.


Disposable sanitary products - diapers waste disposal has become a big problem.

It is understood that the currently used diapers are mainly buried, burned and discarded at will. However, since diapers are insoluble in water, about 30% of their plastic components are difficult to degrade. No matter what method is adopted, they may pollute the atmosphere, soil, water and other environmental factors.

Taking Japan as an example, in the context of population aging, the use of adult diapers is increasing rapidly, making more and more diaper waste disposal a serious environmental problem. According to the Japanese media Yomiuri Shimbun, the output of adult diapers in Japan reached 7.8 billion in 2017, resulting in about 1.45 million tons of diaper waste. At the same time, a Japanese organization advocating diaper recycling found that in some rural areas, the proportion of adult diapers has accounted for 20% to 30% of the total local waste.


Disposable sanitary products - sanitary napkins are difficult to degrade, which has attracted attention.

Sanitary napkin is a kind of Physiological product that most women need, but from the perspective of environmental protection, the waste produced by sanitary napkin will lead to a series of environmental problems such as destroying soil, polluting atmosphere and deteriorating water quality. The main reasons for these problems are the refractory materials such as super absorbent resin in sanitary napkins and the treatment methods of incineration and burial.

In fact, in some countries, sanitary napkins have experienced a pollution crisis. According to the independent, researchers found that most of the 92 dead crabs dissected along the Thames River in the UK contained a lot of plastic in their stomachs. In addition, relevant experts confirmed that many of these plastics come from plastic fibers from sanitary napkins and yellow balloons.



Disposable sanitary products -- waste wipes are rampant.

Wet wipes are loved by many consumers for their convenience. However, with the increase of product use, wet towel pollution has attracted more and more attention from all countries.

In fact, wet towel products usually contain a large amount of cotton fabric, plastic resin (such as polyester fiber, polypropylene) and microfiber soaked with chemicals. However, they are often washed into toilets and decomposed into micro plastics in the sea or rivers, resulting in the death of marine organisms and mixing with fat or oil, leading to the blockage of urban sewers and accumulation on the riverbed.

According to the guardian, flooded wet wipes have polluted many British rivers. At present, a large number of wet wipes are piled up with soil and resin to form soil, which is changing the riverbed landform of the Thames River. Over the past decade, the number of discarded wet towels on the beach has increased about 15 times. These waste wipes not only have a great impact on the environment and water supply system, but also have a great impact on people's health.


Meanwhile, it is reported that Tauranga, New Zealand, takes out more than 2 tons of wet wipes from the wastewater system every week.

From the above typical cases, it can be seen that the disposal of disposable sanitary products is imminent. Therefore, with the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection, the development of products in the direction of environmental protection has become an inevitable trend. More and more enterprises are committed to developing relevant disposable sanitary products, with the important goal of reducing the environmental burden.


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