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Looking for young innovators and changers, the green innovation solicitation activity of "creating green life home" household paper was officially launched


On April 8, 2022, the green innovation solicitation activity of "create a green life home" household paper jointly launched by China Environmental Protection Foundation and Kimberly Clark (China) Co., Ltd. officially kicked off. The activity will widely solicit domestic paper green packaging schemes and short video works advocating green life for colleges and universities, in order to call on college students to actively promote green innovation by using their professional directors, and enable more people to integrate green and sustainable into their daily life and actions through concept advocacy.


1. Introduction to the activity of "creating a green life home"

Vigorously developing circular economy, comprehensively improving resource utilization efficiency and promoting green consumption have always been the key work of national environmental governance, and also the key measures to promote the realization of the "double carbon goal". In January 2022, the national development and Reform Commission and other seven ministries and commissions issued the implementation plan for promoting green consumption, which especially emphasizes the deep integration of green concept into all fields of consumption and the whole life cycle of products, so as to comprehensively promote the low-carbon transformation of green consumption. "For the green transformation of consumption, the participation of enterprises is very important," said the relevant person in charge of China Environmental Protection Foundation, "We are pleased to see that more and more leading enterprises such as Kimberly Clark are actively promoting their own green transformation. At the same time, they are also fully releasing their brand influence and driving the whole value chain to achieve high-quality and sustainable growth. At the same time, through green product innovation and marketing innovation, they enable every consumer, especially the younger generation, to become the backbone to deal with diversified challenges such as climate and ecology."

"Create a green life home" living paper green innovation solicitation activity will take living paper as the carrier, combined with key topics such as reasonable packaging recycling, recycling, resource conservation and green life, solicit publicity videos of sustainable lifestyles with clear environmental protection concept communication for college students, which can effectively guide and improve users' Environmental protection awareness, as well as innovative outer packaging and express packaging solutions for living paper products. The collection of innovative green packaging schemes will not be limited to promoting the reduction, recycling, reuse and green substitution of packaging through the innovation of packaging structure, packaging function and application of new materials. At the same time, college students are encouraged to convey the concept of sustainable consumption and life through the innovative design of packaging appearance.

As the main consumer goods in daily life, the consumption of household paper continues to maintain a stable growth. Household paper products involve a lot of resources and energy use from their own packaging to circulation packaging. Therefore, packaging innovation will become an important entry point to promote the green development of household paper industry.


2. Kimberly Clark company profile

"As a leading enterprise in the field of global health, hygiene and personal care, Kimberly Clark has been committed to protecting the earth's ecological environment while providing consumers with daily necessities. Through the implementation of the 2030 sustainable development strategy and objectives, we are continuously committed to minimizing the environmental footprint in the key areas most relevant to our business, such as climate, forest, plastics and water." Ms. Chen Yi, managing director of Kimberly Clark China, said: "Promoting sustainable development requires everyone's participation, and influencing the younger generation to establish an environmentally friendly and sustainable consumption concept will be the top priority. & lsquo; creating a green life home 'is a very meaningful action. We are very pleased to be able to empower the younger generation to become innovators to meet global sustainable challenges, and hope to find more imaginative and creative green solutions to provide more inspiration for a better life and the world. "


The green innovation solicitation activity of "creating a green life home" living paper is expected to make the concept of green development, consumption and life more strongly resonate with the younger generation, drive more college students to participate in the innovation solicitation activity, provide innovation and change plans, lead the new green fashion and build a better life.


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