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Effect of Baby Nappy on Soil Swelling Rate and Thermal Insulation

People who have used baby nappy must be familiar with them. Baby nappy have liquid absorption ability and can store urine and other excreta. It is also because of this feature that the utilization rate is higher and higher. In the face of the resulting waste, can we find a treatment method conducive to the environment according to its own characteristics? Thinking of this, according to the moisture retention of waste products, combine them with the soil to see if they will have a positive effect.

Effect of waste baby nappyon soil swelling rate

Add baby nappy and compare with the blank group. The soil swelling rate increased by 12%, and the change was significant. With the increase of the amount of waste products, the expansion rate increases. When the addition amount is 1.0%, the expansion rate reaches 36.7%. Physical fertility refers to the contribution of soil structure to fertility, which is the basis of fertilizer migration and biological activities in the land. Soil structure determines the fertility index in terms of physical properties. Its structure also determines the ventilation performance. Adding baby nappy will not only lead to soil expansion, but also change the number of agglomerated particles to a certain extent, because the water retaining agent has strong water absorption and good adhesion after water absorption. With the increase of waste addition, the possibility of small particle aggregation increases, which promotes the formation of agglomeration. The increase of expansion rate can reflect the generation of pore structure.

The volume and quality of soil characterize compactness. Air, nutrition, water, microorganisms and other migration channels and storage sites form a gap structure, which is also a place for the growth and extension of plant roots. Therefore, the number of pores indicates the difficulty and permeability of root interpenetration, and plays a good role in regulating the water, gas, fertilizer, heat and microbial activity in the soil. The total porosity reflects the potential water storage and gas holding capacity. The greater the porosity, the better the permeability. The experimental results show that the addition of waste products significantly improves the expansion rate, clearance and permeability, and regulates the water, fertilizer and air in the soil. The greater the amount, the better the effect.


Impact of waste baby nappyon soil thermal insulation

Adding baby nappy can effectively improve the soil thermal insulation performance. Under the same conditions in the early stage, the temperature of soil samples without waste products decreased by 18 ℃ and that of 0.4% samples decreased by only 10 ℃ within half an hour when they were transferred from room temperature of 25 ℃ to 4 ℃. When waste products are put into use, their volume will expand, the water stability, agglomeration structure will increase, and the capillary will increase, which is conducive to heat preservation and energy storage. Therefore, it can keep the soil warm after adding.

Increasing the thermal insulation effect of baby nappy on soil is not limited to thermal insulation, but also shows that the physical properties of soil are related to microbial and enzyme activities. The above results show that it can keep the soil warm under cold conditions and adjust the temperature change in a small range under hot conditions. Both physical fertility and fertility are related to temperature. The positive effect of adjusting temperature after adding baby nappy to soil is of great significance to agricultural production.


The above experiments show that the impact of adding waste baby nappy on the soil is certain. Taking this research as the starting point and constantly expanding and improving relevant technologies will undoubtedly be of great help to degrade waste nappy or improve agriculture.


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