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China's population changes reshape the diaper Market


China's population changes reshape the diaper Market

2022-1-28 Paper industry chamber of Commerce reference

  & nbsp; According to the website of the financial times, China is about to experience a major but cautiously discussed demographic inflection point, and diaper manufacturers are paying more attention to the growing elderly group rather than the shrinking baby group.

  & nbsp; The expected inflection point will affect the marketing and manufacturing investment of some of the world's largest consumer goods groups, the report said. Diaper manufacturers, analysts and investors all said that by 2025, the scale of China's adult diaper market may exceed that of baby diaper market, which highlights the rapid pace of population structure and social transformation. Chun Kato, an analyst at CLSA, said that given the rapid growth of the adult population and the "almost no growth" of the infant population, this inflection point "may come earlier". This trend appeared in Japan a decade ago, when the number of adult diapers began to exceed that of baby diapers, the report said.

  & nbsp; Analysts and investors said that in response to this demographic trend, unijia's marketing has quietly changed in recent months. For the first time, the company has spent more of its marketing budget on adult diapers than baby products, according to people familiar with the company. Uniga declined to confirm the shift in its advertising budget, but a spokesman said the company's investment in Chinese baby products was less active than its previous marketing policies. The spokesman also said that since 2020, the company's huge profits in the field of women's care products in China have been used to promote adult diapers.

  & nbsp; CLSA predicts that within eight years, the value of China's adult diaper market may increase from more than $1 billion in 2019 to $16 billion. By 2040, its market size may increase to $30 billion.

  & nbsp; According to the report, more and more Chinese enterprises are threatening the dominant foreign diaper manufacturers, including uniga. Although the prices of products of foreign companies have been higher than those of local brands for many years, there are signs that this sign of good quality may no longer be applicable to the adult diaper market.

  & nbsp; "China (consumers) increasingly feel that their brands are getting better and better. There will be discussion immediately after the release of new products. If the products are good, the word of mouth will spread quickly," Kato said


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