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Prevention of intellectual property risks in the hygiene industry


Around us, we often hear such intellectual property disputes. For example, a certain company has infringed on the patent of a certain company, and the court has ordered a huge amount of compensation. There are not a few cases like this, especially now that people's awareness of rights protection laws is improving, and various intellectual property laws and regulations are constantly being improved.


When introducing new products, new manufacturing equipment, processes and enterprises shall do a good job in patent infringement analysis, information retrieval, avoidance and market research, so as to avoid the risk of patent infringement. Many sanitary products enterprises have their own product R & D teams and apply for some invention patents at home and abroad every year. Therefore, to protect patent intellectual property rights, enterprises need to have their own set of protection mechanism.


For enterprises, whether it is to do a good job in the layout of intellectual property rights, patent application and protection, or protection of trade secrets, enterprises need to have a systematic and scientific early warning and protection mechanism.


According to the standard of China's enterprise intellectual property management norms, enterprises can do their own intellectual property management according to the standard requirements. Intellectual property risk prevention focuses on the following four aspects:


First: R&D. After producing a series of achievements, enterprises need to do a careful, systematic and scientific intellectual property layout and a series of patent applications, no matter in the stage of product establishment or research and development.

Second: Sales. In the process of product sales, enterprises should conduct follow-up investigations on intellectual property infringement, and at the same time, make a risk avoidance plan for product release.


Third: Human resources. Human resources are the most critical department for intellectual property control. Whether it is from a non-disclosure agreement, employee onboarding, and management positions, a non-disclosure agreement needs to be signed for management and control.


Fourth: Information management, equipment, information, carriers and areas. Enterprises should manage information in these four aspects in place.


The content is excerpted from "Life Paper Magazine".


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