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China's domestic elderly care institutions call for the use of high-quality adult diapers


Data from the seventh national census shows that the aging process in China has accelerated significantly, with about 190 million people over the age of 65, accounting for 13.50% of the population. Data released by the Office of the National Committee on Aging shows that the number of elderly people over 65 years of age who need long-term care in China reached 37.5 million, about 2 million paralyzed and semi-paralyzed patients under 65 years of age, and a conservative estimate of nearly 40 million people nationwide need to use adult incontinence products ...... Behind a series of figures is the expansion of consumption brought about by the accelerating process of China's aging society.



As the industry continues to grow in size, there are more and more entrants, and the uneven quality of the products has posed a serious challenge to incontinent users and society. In order to reduce the risk of incontinence dermatitis and pressure sores in the elderly, the government requires nursing homes for moderate to severe incontinence users must be changed three hours a day, seven or eight times a day to change diapers has been "normalized”.




Side leakage, muggy, moisture difficult to discharge

Traditional diapers cannot guarantee the quality of rest



In Shanghai Hongchuan nursing home, Aunt Li, a nurse, is replacing new adult diapers for the incontinent elderly. "He is in poor health and can't turn over himself. We help him to turn over and change diapers once in two hours,and change diapers about seven or eight times a day, which really bothers the elderly."



The reporter learned that the adult diapers used by the elderly are not provided by the nursing home, but are purchased by the elderly family members themselves, and the purchaser is often not the user himself. Auntie Li told reporters, "The elderly family members do not have much knowledge about incontinent elderly suffering from incontinent dermatitis or even pressure sores, and the diapers purchased for the elderly are very cheap and often have problems with low absorption, poor breathability and side leakage that stains the bed sheets, so we need to change diapers frequently for the elderly."



Reporters visited a number of nursing homes were informed that, influenced by traditional culture, most of the current domestic elderly incontinence problems as a private topic of shame, rarely speak to their partners or children. Some elderly people even if they know the quality of the product is not good, but also do not want to give their children an additional financial pressure, so the elderly often bear a great psychological burden. When children purchase the products, used to understand the basic functions of the product through the product details page, and do not care the real situation after the parents use, result in product is often difficult to meet the real needs of the elderly: the size does not meet the height or weight of the elderly; to the elderly with severe incontinence to buy a small amount of absorbent pull-ups; greedy for a moment of cheap to buy inferior diapers and other phenomena are endless.




The product is disposable and consumes more than 5 billion tablets a year

High resource consumption and unfriendly to environment


China Paper Association Household Paper Professional Committee statistics show that the market size of adult incontinence products increased to 10.47 billion yuan in 2020, up 11.86% year-on-year, and if calculated according to the average price of 2 yuan per piece, the annual domestic consumption of more than 5 billion pieces of adult diapers.



The current disposal methods for adult diapers are mainly as waste incineration as well as landfill two ways. Because incontinence products contain super absorbent resin, non-woven fabric, cellulose and other chemical components, natural degradation is slow, either way of disposal, up to 5 billion pieces of incontinence products will bring huge environmental pressure, causing secondary pollution to the atmosphere, soil and water bodies.


In this regard, a number of domestic elderly institutions have called for a high-quality adult diaper that not only allows the elderly to wear comfortably and prevent red skin effectively; but also improves the efficiency of resource utilization and gives full play to the synergy of reducing resource consumption and lowering carbon emissions.


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